How pleasant and uncommon it is to make someone's day
Continuing my trip up The Guardian's Top 50 Films of 2021 #26 : The World To Come Katherine Waterston and Vanessa Kirby play two wives who fall in love amid the grinding exhaustion and violence of pioneer life in a tale of secret passions in frontier-era America. Hmmm - I can't say I'm holding out much enthusiasm for this one. I'm sure it will look very fine and all be very worthy, but can't help but suspect it will struggle to hold my attention - something like a frontier-set Ammonite . My guess for the plot is that life is hard and seems pointless until the wives discover each other, at which point they discover a reason for living, but then they either get found out or one of them decides they have to give it up. Let's see how close I am, eh? Well whatever the plot is, it REALLY took its time getting anywhere - I would have given up on it under normal circumstances, but I do have to admit that with 30 minutes to go, I was finally drawn in and in...