Twangy twang-twang
Continuing my trip back through the 1961 album charts. 09/07/61 : $1,000,000.00 Worth Of Twang - Duane Eddy Quite ridiculously, I'm skipping over yet another Sinatra compilation album to take us to the only album in the chart this week that I haven't met or ignored - I'm aware of Duane Eddy from his use by The Art Of Noise and 2ManyDJs, but I can't say I'm expecting to find a whole album of him particularly interesting. Oh no - not only is it not particularly interesting, it's actively annoying. I'll just take $10.00 worth of twang please Duane. I can appreciate the skill involved and I can believe it was a fresh new sound at the time, but it's not for me. It's a very odd album title as well - why did he feel the need to include the cents? We're all the way down at #19 in the charts this week on his fifteenth week of an eighteen week run, with it having peaked at #5 in his eighth week. The top five this week were South Pacific , Elvis ,...