I want to make you (slightly) happier


You OK there, hun?  You're looking a bit down - if only there was some quick way I could make you slightly happier.  Oh, what's that you say, Mr Guardian?  There is?  Fantastic, you know I LOVE your utterly nonsensical suggestions - let's see what you've got for us this time.

1. Go on that second date
Hmmm - I suspect Mrs Reed might have something to say about that.  But I guess if you've been on a first date and it wasn't dreadful, then it's something to consider

2. Borrow a dog
Or, as The Guardian puts it, "mooch with someone else's pooch".  Despite that terrible turn of phrase, I do like the idea, partly because dogs do put you in a good mood (I love you, Molly!) and also because they get you out for a walk.  And because it's someone else's dog, you'll be able to enjoy it even more thinking "I'm glad I don't have to do this every day".

3. Get a wifi extender
It's not an obvious way of making your life better, but it does go on to explain you'll be able to work from the garden which, during the summer, is great.  However, in our case, the wifi extends that far, so all is good.  Also, because it doesn't extend into Mrs Reed's office (which is all the way out in the east wing) we have a wifi extender.  So I think we're pretty well covered on this one - but if you're not, then consider it!

4. Forget reality TV and try watching surreality TV
Not one that leaps out at me, but I have to admit I'm intrigued by Old Enough, which is a Japanese hidden camera show in which toddlers run errands.  Which has apparently been running for 30 years with two THREE HOUR programmes shown every year and it sounds utterly and joyously bizarre.

5. Eat more salad
I'd say "Vegetables?  No!" but actually I probably eat the most salad in the family.  Not that I eat a lot of salad, just more than others.  Does it make me happier?  I'll let you be the judge of that.

6. Go to an art gallery and stare at a picture for ages
I can't say I'm convinced, but I guess if it resulted in you seeing something new then your mood might be improved.  Alternatively, you might just end grumpily thinking "it's still shit"

7. Start a recipe club
Not a bad idea - I made mapo tofu last night and it was delicious.  I can assure you it will make you happier - even if you don't like tofu.

8. Listen to country music for a week
I think if I listened to only one genre of music for a week, my mood would not be improved.  And definitely not if it was country - but I do like a bit of Kacey though.

9. Tune in to the Japanese concept of micro-seasons
Errr - what?!?  Apparently there are 72 of them and we're currently on the last day of mimizu izuru ("worms surface") and tomorrow it will be takenoko shōzu ("bamboo shoots sprout").  And I must say the whole concept has indeed made me slightly happier

10. Learn to do a great front crawl
Being able to do a great front crawl would make me happier, but there would be a whole load (and I mean YEARS) of grumpiness whilst I was learning to do it.  So I won't.

Old Enough, micro-seasons and recipe clubs are the winners here for me - but whatever floats your boat, go for it!

#91-100 : What?!?  You're ending on that?
#11-20 : Bin shoes, bird feeders and Our Friends In The North


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