Happy first day of takenoko shōzu


What have The Guardian got for us today then? 

11. Discover secrets about your immediate surroundings

Aka put your postcode in Wikipedia Around and see what comes back.  I did and can declare that mild interest was the most I experienced, with no noticeable increase in happiness.  I can see it might be more useful when you're on holiday though.

12. Get some proper bin shoes
My wife refused to understand the concept of bin shoes until I pointed out that she recently bought me a second pair of flip-flops.  This has enabled me to keep a pair by the front and back doors - which has resulted in greatly increased happiness, I can tell you.  Yes, my life is just pure rock and roll.

13. Paint your nails in rainbow colours
Been there, done that - although the painting was done by my daughters, who were much younger at the time because they wouldn't be seen dead with me with painted nails these days.  I kept them painted for about a week and yes, they did result in a slight increase in happiness - particularly when I'd completely forgotten about them and wondered why everyone was giving me sideways glances in the pub.

14. Wear one colour head to toe
I think this would just stress me out - unless black or blue was the colour (which is very much not The Guardian's idea) I'd spend ages having to track down the clothes.  And I also suspect my wife and daughters would refuse to be seen out with me, so I'm going to give this one a miss.

15. Try to join in a game with strangers
"It’s worth carrying a tennis ball or football around just in case you need to start the game".  WHAT?!?  For the love of God, just no.

16. Put up a bird feeder
Yes.  Do it.

17. End your working day properly
This basically means do something that a) marks the transition to "not work" and b) prevents you from working - The Guardian suggests a walk, a swim or yoga but personally, I feel a large G&T is a better option.

18. Rewatch Our Friends in the North
This is for Gen Xers - apparently, Gen Yers should go for My So-Called Life.  I can thoroughly recommend OFITN though - the cast is pure class with Christopher Eccleston, Daniel Craig and Gina McKee taking the main roles before they were all that well known.

19. Do a DIY, cheapo face steam and/or hair mask
Is this aimed at me?  If so, I don't actually know what a hair mask is - it doesn't sound very comfortable...

20. Pick some flowers and foliage
I do this every so often, but I actually think I prefer looking at the flowers in the garden and they last longer.  So I'm not sure it increases my happiness.

Bin shoes, bird feeders and Our Friends In The North - what more could you ask for?  (except I'll never find the time for OFITN)

#1-10 : Old Enough, micro seasons and recipe clubs
#21-30 : New skills, mood lighting and a commonplace book


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