You're going to end with that?!?


Our last opportunity to improve my life without really trying - it's been an interesting list and interesting to force myself to read to the end (because I normally give up at about #20).

91 If in doubt, add cheese.
This feels very wrong advice indeed.  There are plenty of times when I'm feeling a bit doubtful about something and cheese is just not going to help.

92 Don’t look at your phone at dinner.
Again with the phones (but I do kinda agree with this one)

93 Do that one thing you’ve been putting off.
One thing?!?  They seriously think there's just ONE thing I've been putting off?  Do they not know who I am?  Let's go with "at least think about doing one of those things you've been putting off" - to my credit I do have a list of these things and from time to time, I even look at it.

94 Give compliments widely and freely.
No - just no.  People would just get suspicious if I did this.

95 Set up an affordable standing order to a charity. RNLI and Greenpeace spring to mind
I agree with the sentiment, but can't see me giving money to Greenpeace though.  I do like the RNLI though - Auntie Wyn was a big supporter (we often got Xmas presents from them and I still remember building a lifeboat one year, which I really enjoyed).  Also, Nigel Farage hates them so they must be doing something right.

96 Keep a book in your bag to avoid the temptation to doomscroll.
This is an interesting one - I've no problems with carrying a book (although it does depend on the size) but, personally, I don't have any temptation to doomscroll or really even have somewhere I could go to do it.  Twitter feels like the most obvious location with potential, but my timeline is simply filled with people saying "Isn't Boris a somewhat less than perfect individual?" (or words to that effect) which I quite enjoy.  I absolutely realise that social media can be awful for lots of people, but it just doesn't work that way for me - I guess it would be great if I knew why!

97 Listen to the albums you loved as a teenager.
I really can't recommend this enough - as long as you still like them because if you don't then you might find the whole thing a bit depressing.  Playing your old vinyl records gives double the nostalgia hit (particularly singles - everyone has a far greater quality breadth across their singles collection, so there will some stinkers in there!)

98 Make a friend from a different generation.
"Well, hello there - you look like a nice young lady!"  Or is that not exactly what The Guardian meant?

99 Staying over at a friend’s place? Strip the bed in the morning.
Better still "Ask if they want the bed stripped" - because we have (rarely, I concur, but it has happened) had to remake the bed with the recently removed covers after some considerate guest has been a little too considerate.

100 For instant cheer, wear yellow.
Seriously?!?  You're going to end on that?!?  There are all the preceding wise words you could have picked and you went for "wear yellow"?  If I wore yellow, my children would not let me leave the house until I'd changed - and I'd have to say I'd agree with them.

So yay - we made it all the way through and listening to albums you previously loved wins here for me.  And I definitely won't be adding cheese to everything whilst wearing yellow.

Overall, it's been a fun enough list - I don't think I was supposed to take it all too seriously (or review it).  I do have some issues that they were obviously deadly serious with some of them and lighthearted with others - and it's hard to tell the difference for the remaining 90 or so.  I also fundamentally disagreed with a surprising amount of it but maybe that's just me being grumpy/unadventurous/boring.  

I guess for me it comes down to "consider what in your life is making you unhappy and what you can do to address it".  You may be surprised by what you end up doing - as I can confirm from recent personal experience.

81-90 : I'm really not sure I should be killing puppies
1-10 : 72 of them, apparently!


  1. Dad likes the RNLI and wants to leave a donation to them eventually! Please remember this when our lives are beyond improvement!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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