When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

21.12.08 : Tell Me How You Really Feel - Courtney Barnett (2017)

Almost right up my street, but not quite, I seem to recall.

I listened to her first album and didn't mind it, but then never listened to it or anything else by her again.  I didn't mind this - a bit rough and ready in places, but not too unbearably.  It reminded me of Chrissie Hynde quite a bit.

The channel gave it eight thumbs up, three hearts and a fair bit of love.  Wikipedia tells me that the album is "characterised by casual guitar-driven rock songs generally arranged in verse-chorus structures".  Which sounds like another way of saying "it has songs on it".  Whatever it contains, it was generally well received by the critics and the public, with it getting to #9 in the UK and #22 in the US.

"Customers also listened to" Goat Girl and Sorry, both of whom I've listened to recently and can't say either of them particularly reminded me of this.  I thought it was a reasonable example of that sort of thing but, as far as I can remember that far back, I preferred her debut.

21.12.09 : Mood Valiant - Hiatus Kaiyote (2021)

Never heard of album or artist before and I seem to recall it was OK, but I felt rubbish (I took the day off sick - and I NEVER do that).

Hmmm - Hiatus Kaiyote feels more like "it's sunny, let's have a bbq" music than "it's dark, the middle of winter and I need to get up for a Lemsip because I feel crap" music.  I didn't mind it, but I'm not sure I experienced under optimum listening conditions.  Maybe it'll be sunny later and I can have a bbq

The channel gave it three thumbs up, one heart, one blob-yes and some love from the other fan of Hiatus out there.  Wikipedia tells us that the group's lead singer is called Nai Palm (possibly not her real name?) and her breast cancer diagnosis and treatment drove a lot of the mood of the album.  It also gives us the following utterly splendid fact - "The title of the album was inspired by Nai Palm's mother, who owned two Valiant Safari station wagons, one white and one black, and would drive whichever would suit her mood for the day".  I like her style!  The album was well received critically and did well commercially in Australia reaching #4, but less well elsewhere - #53 in the UK and #101 in the US.

"Customers also listened to" a load of people I've never heard of, which did not surprise me in the least.  This feels like one to dig out in the summer - and spark up the bbq!

21.12.10 : Drowning In A Sea Of Love - Nathan Fake (2006)

I was both ill and on holiday on this day - I listened to it, but I'd be lying if I said it completely stuck in my mind.

I didn't mind todays choice, but it got a bit tricksy with its beats in places which annoyed me.  I realise this probably makes me a philistine - well, this and many other things…

I don't like them tricksy beats!  The channel gave it three thumbs up, two hearts and a lot of discussion about dance music genres (personally, I think there's people out there just making up genre names that sound good and then claiming their music is a prime example of said genre).  Wikipedia doesn't have anything on the album, but does tell me that the man comes from Kings Lynn which I drove through once and I can't say there was anything that made me feel the need to stop - in fact, that might be me on the album cover (apologies to the BJSS Kings Lynn office - I'm sure we've opened one there by now).  The man is still producing music though - I'm vaguely tempted to check it out to make up for feeling grim and not really paying attention to him last time.

"Customers also listened to" - nope, never heard of any of them.  But apart from the tricksy beats, I liked this though.

Hmmm - tricky one.  They all have their good points, but none of them really jumped out at me and I was feeling pretty rubbish whilst listening to a couple of them.  So, copying my FISA friends,  I'll change the rules at the last minute to suit my own purposes and consider another album today to see if we can get a winner (can you guess what's going to happen?)

21.12.13 : Let It Be - The Beatles (1970)

Wow - an album I know, like and have previously written about.  No-one was expecting that!  The channel gave it five thumbs up, two nices, some Beatles-love, some Beatles-apathy and some Beatles-antipathy - you get the lot here!  We also some reluctant self-promotion from the nominator for their own album which I didn't mind at all.  And that sent me down a rabbit hole on what "liminal" means and how it relates to "subliminal" - so I consider myself as having learned something (don't worry - I'll forget it soon).

And, after all this, it probably won't surprise you to hear that the little-known Beatles take the round - they need the exposure, after all.

21.12.03 - Only two more to go!
21.12.14 - And we've made it!


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