I'm glad I crashed the wedding - it's better than regretting
Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day... 21.10.19 : A Present For Everyone - Busted (2003 ) I'd not heard this, but have always had a bit of a soft spot for Busted - and the channel's rudeness before even listening to it didn't do it any harm for me either. Thankfully work is over and so I get a chance for the highlight of the day - listening to Busted! Yes, it's easy to mock and I realise it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's perfectly serviceable singalong pop and I'd say there's more variety there than I was expecting. It's really not a million miles away from Dookie-era Green Day which is viewed as so much cooler - it's all a case of the audience you go after methinks. The channel gave it one thinking snoopy, three surprised pikachus, one astonished samsung, one facepalm, three party thumbs, one thumbs up (that I just gave it because I felt sorry for it), a lot of negativity, some grudging acceptance that maybe it's not tota...