Tell me I belong

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

21.10.14 : Nightwhisper - Jody Wisternoff (2020)

I'd forgotten this one until I re-read the really nice introduction it was given in the channel by the nominator, whose partner is Jody's manager and let's just say that Covid had some unwanted effects on some plans they had for this album.  I quite liked it at the time, but I'd be lying if I said it stuck in the mind - but a quick relisten reminded me of its acceptableness.

yeah - i liked that (although i didn't feel the need to listen to all the extended remixes). 

The channel gave it no emojis, but I suspect this was mostly because people were distracted by the lovely introduction which got a lot of warm responses and there were some nice comments on the album as well.  Wikipedia has nothing on the album, but does have an entry for Mr Wisternoff, which unfortunately includes various facts on the man right up until the release of his debut album.  And this was his second one.  Oh well - the nominator did a great job of giving us background, so that remains the uncontested source of truth here.

"Customers also listened to" a load of people I've never heard of, but I suspect I'd tolerate them.  And I didn't mind this at all, but I think it struggled to stand out from the crowd somewhat.

21.10.15 : Untrue - Burial (2007)

An album I liked back in the day but hadn't listened to in ages, so was pleased to revisit it - although my channel comment suggests I didn't really remember things from so long ago all that accurately.

Wow - 14 years old already.  I bought this at the time and liked it, but hadn't listened to it in ages so it was a pleasure to revisit.  I remembered it being pretty popular at the time, but Wikipedia tells me it reached the dizzy heights of #58 in the UK album charts - so actually not that popular I guess!

The channel gave this four excellents, four thumbs up, three fires, some positive comments and a lot of discussion as to whether this was dubstep or garage.  I've considered the matter carefully and can categorically state that - well, I have no idea.  Wikipedia has a fair bit on the album but nothing really more than saying that the critics liked it (and that it only got to #58 in UK - and #57 in Belgium).

"Customers also listened to" John Hopkins, Bonobo and Aphex Twin - all thereabouts, but not quite there at the same time.  I'd struggle to say there are too many albums like this one (or at least too many albums I've actually heard, at least) - I like its originality.

21.10.18 : Lowlight - Lor (2019)

I remembered not liking this, but my channel comment confirms that I am 100% incorrect on this.

Well that's pretty damn lovely, isn't it?  Some very pleasing noises indeed - reminded me of First Aid Kit in places, but more chilled out.

Sometimes, I wonder why I bother listening to any new music if I'm just going to entirely forget it.  Is my brain full or something?  The channel gave it three thumbs up, three hearts and absolutely no comments apart from mine.  Wikipedia has nothing on the band or the artist - a quick Google tells us they are four Polish teenagers (or they were when whichever sketchy page I visited was written).

"Customers also listened to", to no-one's great surprise, a load of people I've never heard of.  I liked this though - and I feel a bit guilty for thinking I didn't like it.  Sorry, Polish teenagers.

And the overwhelming guilt is almost enough for me to give them the round, but they were unlucky to come up against Burial which was an album I liked and had forgotten about, so was pleased to be reminded about it.  So well done to William Bevan, who is apparently still doing stuff out there whilst being pleasingly reclusive about it.

21.10.11 - An easy win for the lady
21.10.19 - Controversial!


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