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A Brucie Bonus as I continue my trip forward in time through the album charts

15/09/23 : Top Ten New Entries 

There were four new entries in the top ten this week - three of which I quite fancied checking out.  And, wonder of wonders, I actually remembered to do so and then I checked out the other one as well because I didn't want it feeling left out.  And then I even checked out the next new entry as well!  And obviously I'm unable to listen to new albums without writing about it - so here we are.

Sea Of Mirrors - The Coral (#3)

This is our second visit with the slightly off-beat Scousers - last time I found it a bit quirky but thought it had potential to be a grower if I revisited it (but I never did).  They've dialled the quirk back a bit on this one which I appreciated but once again it feels like it needs multiple listens to really get into it, but if you like this sort of thing then I think you'll probably like it (does that make sense?).  Intriguingly, they also had another new entry in the chart this week - Holy Joe's Coral Island Medicine Show is at #36, but I've done quite enough new music this week so if you're interested in that you'll have to check it out yourself.

Hit Parade - Roisin Murphy (#5)

Roisin has done some interesting stuff over the years both with Moloko and solo - last time we met her (and I'm AMAZED it was back in 2020) I liked it, so I was intrigued to see what we'd get this time around.  Hmmm - it's a bit more noodle-y than Roisin Machine was, which I guess some will like and others not so much.  I can see I could be in the mood for it - it all felt a bit underwhelming at first listen to me, but I can see it being a nice late-night listen (although I should point out that I such things don't exist for me these days because I never stay up late).  I really don't like the album cover - but I guess no-one really pays any attention to them these days, do they?  I also see that Roisin's found herself in a spot of hot water recently on account of some comments she made about puberty blockers - they seemed pretty tame to me, but it's probably best I say no more on the matter.

For That Beautiful Feeling - The Chemical Brothers (#6)

I tell myself I like the Chemicals, but when I looked into it, the last album of theirs I've actually listened to was Push The Button which was all the way back in 2005 - so it's possible I may not be quite up to date with their output.  Either way I was looking forward to this - and I really enjoyed it.  It's much more laid back than their earlier stuff, with harsh beats replaced by loops and tweaked vocals - it's another late-night listen that I don't have late nights for.  Whether it's representative of their recent stuff, I'm unable to say - hopefully I'll be forced to find out some day.

My Neighbours Don't Know - M Huncho (#8)

I know absolutely nothing about Mr Huncho, but he gets a listen because I don't want him to feel left out - I guessed it was rappy/hippy/hoppy stuff from the name, but it could have been anything.  And having heard it, I don't really know what to call it ("trap wave", the internet suggests) but I found it surprisingly enjoyable - it's low-key rapping over low-key electronic bleeps and loops.  Yes - another late-night listen!  Looking up about M on the internet, he's a mysterious character who wears a mask and no-one seems to know who he is.  Intriguing!

Mid Air - Romy (#15)

And that was going to be it, but I thought I'd just see who was next - and I knew I knew who Romy was but I just couldn't remember.  Obviously, it's Romy Madley Croft - the last member of The xx to produce a solo album (and we've already met albums from both Jamie and Oliver).  And this isn't a million miles away from The xx - it's a bit more upbeat than their stuff with a poppier vibe to it, but it's certainly not pop.  I didn't mind it, but there didn't seem to be a lot to drag me back.  Wikipedia mentions she was inspired by EBTG and you can certainly hear a bit of their dancier stuff in there.

And that's quite enough for new music for this week - mostly because the new chart comes out in a couple of hours and we can go all over again (but maybe not quite as hard this time around)

15/09/23 - A potential grower
22/09/23 - A bit of a disappointment


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