This is a thing?


What have The Guardian got for us today then? 

31. Get some ‘peel and stick’ wallpaper
This is a thing?  I remember when I had to coat my school books in sticky back plastic, I always ended up with a bump or two in there - how's that going to look on the walls?!?

32. Switch to silicone-free shampoo
This is a thing?  I'd ask why does shampoo have silicone in it, but I suspect I'd soon get bored with the answer.  The Guardian says that switching to it means you need to wash your hair less - to be honest washing my hair isn't a huge problem for me, so I'm guessing it wouldn't have a massive effect.

33. Burn incense
Anyone doing this anywhere near me is not going to experience any greater happiness.  See also - those stupid stick things you stand in oil, pot pourri, plug-in air fresheners.

34. Try roller-skating or skateboarding
"Wear kneepads" says The Guardian.  "Just don't" says me.

35. Surprise someone with something small but nice
"Think a takeaway (picked up, ideally) or a home-cooked meal, rather than a puppy" says The Guardian.  "Like, duh" says me.

36. Follow @Fesshole on Twitter
Finally one I can agree with - this is a most amusing, sometimes fascinating, sometimes horrifying feed.

37. Listen to music in the bathroom
I agree with the principle, but I think I'd expand it to - buy a Bluetooth speaker.  They chuck out some amazing sound and can go anywhere.

38. Get an analogue alarm clock
Is anyone that gets woken up by an analogue alarm clock really happier?  I'm not sure I can get with that.

39. Improve your short-term memory by building a memory palace
I have tried this but it just didn't work for me - quite possibly I didn't try it for long enough, but the lack of any progress was somewhat depressing.

40. Take a microbreak
Northumberland or Naples, apparently.  I agree with the sentiment, if not exactly the locations - and yes, Northumberland is lovely but it would take me longer to get there than a lot of similarly lovely locations.  I'd recommend Riga or Bruges, personally.

A slightly better selection methinks but only just - Fesshole, Bluetooth speakers and microbreaks for the win.

#21-30 : New skills, mood lighting and a commonplace book
#41-50 : W
aving monsters, false eyelashes and making playlists


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