No more shows, I'm tryna lay low
Continuing my trip back in time through the album charts
04/09/20 : Crabs In A Bucket - Nines
No idea who or what Nines are - for some reason I'm imagining either some shouty indie or calm ambient, but I'm fully expecting it to turn out to be something completely different.
Which it is - he's a British rapper. And it's very much not my usual sort of thing, but I didn't mind it at all - it reminded me of J Hus who fell into the same category. It's some understandable rap which tells a story over some interesting sounds - I can't say I'll be rushing back to it, but it was surprisingly bearable and it sounds like he's put a reasonable amount of thought into it.
We're at #1 with a new entry - he managed 9 weeks on the charts before disappearing (and pleasingly, his last four weeks were spent at #55, #66, #77 and #99!). We had an all new top five this week with Metallica (#2), Gregory Porter (#3), Disclosure (#4) and Katy Perry (#5) filling out all the places. The next new entry is PVRIS at #14, which wouldn't usually get a mention but they're a special case because I liked it.
Wikipedia doesn't have a lot on the album except that it was a very tight race for the top spot with all of the new entries having a good chance of making it and the critics liked it as well. His entry tells us that his music career is on somewhat of a hiatus on account of him currently spending some time residing at Her Majesty's pleasure - I guess it's all material for the next album.
"Customers also listened to" Skrapz, Meekz, LD and Fredo - all of whom I can tell you nothing about. And I suspect I won't like them, but I would have suspected I wouldn't have liked Nines but I didn't mind it at all.
28/08/20 - Just all a bit lazy really
11/09/20 - An album showing its age
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