She rolls around with an entourage

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

21.09.07 : Thickfreakness - The Black Keys (2003)

I know a lot of people love The Black Keys, but not me - I just don't get it, I'm afraid.  And I don't need to reprint my channel comment but that was pretty much exactly what I said back then as well.  The channel gave it more love though with two thumbs up, four nices and a couple of positive comments.

Wikipedia tells me the album was mostly recorded in a 14 hour session in the drummer's basement using an early 80's 8-track recorder.  Apparently "this approach was necessary because the group spent its small advance payment from Fat Possum Records on rent" - needs must, I guess!  It was well received critically, but didn't exactly set the world alight commercially - it took them a few more albums before they were storming up the charts, but they've done OK for themselves over the years.

"Customers also listened to" a few names I recognise as people I don't particularly like - I'm sure the genre will manage to live with the disappointment though.

21.09.08 : Koyaanisqatsi - Philip Glass (1983)

I vaguely know this and it's got some impressive enough noises on it, but it's not something I'd actively choose to stick on and listen to.  My channel comment was 

Not really my usual sort of thing, but I didn't mind it at all.  I'm not a fan of the film though...

which sounds a bit more positive than my opinion without a re-listen.  The channel gave it no emojis at all, some love for the film to counter my negativity and a lot of random other discussion.  Wikipedia doesn't have a specific entry for the album - just a section in the film's entry which basically says "well, this isn't really the soundtrack to the film but more like edited highlights".  Unless you're listening to the 1998 version that is.

"Customers also listened to" some people whose names I've heard of, but I'd be lying if I knew the faintest thing about them.  As I say, I didn't mind this - but I'd be lying if I said I actively liked it.

21.09.09 : 925 - Sorry (2020)

I don't remember this one at all, but you'd have to say it's in with a strong chance of winning the round at this point in time.  The only thing that might affect its chances is me re-listening to it, but I feel I should do so out of fairness.  And ah yes - I remember it now.  An odd, hard-to-describe sound, as my channel comment raised at the time

Well, Sorry make an interesting sound and no mistake.  Not sure how I'd even describe it - goth-indie maybe?   Not sure I like it, but it was an experience...

Goth-indie is as good as any description, but doesn't really give you any idea - I think I was a bit more convinced I might like it on the second listen, but it's certainly an interesting sound.  I'd have to say I'm not convinced by the album title though.  The channel gave it four thumbs up, one sorry, one love-parrot and a couple of positive comments.  Wikipedia has an entry for the album, but it's safe to say it's not exactly comprehensive!  Basically, the critics liked it (but I bet they couldn't describe it either).

"Customers also listened to"  Goat Girl, US Girls and Hinds - all of whom I have stumbled across at times, but again I can't say I'm massively familiar with any of them.  But this is an odd sound - not horrible but I think it would take a few more listens in order to become a grower.

Well, I can tell you that Sorry will be getting the title lyrics but have they done enough to sneak the round away from our Phil as well?  I think they probably have - although I'm not entirely convinced by it, there's just more chance I'll ever listen to their effort again than Mr Glass'.  So well done to The Timothy Lumsden Appreciation Society.

21.09.02 - Some strange sounds and some smooth sounds
21.09.10 - An unexpected winner


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