From every point of view you've tumbled and you blame gravity

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

21.08.06 : tryhard - The Band CAMINO (2019)

Don't remember this one at all, I'm afraid, so a re-listen is in order.  And yeah, it's OK - I agree with my channel comment

I didn't mind that - like a less annoying The 1975

And I like the album cover as well.  The channel gave it three thumbs up and one comment that it was easy to listen to and short (and amazingly this comment didn't come from me!).  Wikipedia has nothing on the album and very little on the band - they're originally from Memphis but have relocated 200 miles along the I-40 to Nashville.  And that's pretty much all I can tell you about them.

"Customers also listened to" The WILDLIFE and Nightly - never heard of either of them, I'm afraid.  But TBC were a pleasant introduction, even if it turned out to be somewhat forgettable.

21.08.09 : In Search Of Harperfield - Emma Pollock (2016)

And I don't remember this one either!  And having re-listened to it, I really should have because it's very much up my street - I love a good female singer/songwriter.  Shame on me - is my brain actually just full now?  My channel comment was 

Think I'd heard of her without hearing any of her stuff, but I liked that.  I see she's also worked with Karine Polwart a few times and she's done some lovely folky stuff in her time.

The channel gave it four thumbs up, a couple of positive comments and a leaver (shame on him!).  Wikipedia surprised me by having an entry for the album, but it's fair to say it's not exactly comprehensive - "On release, the album received critical acclaim but it failed to chart" is the main crux of the matter.

"Customers also listened to" Liela Moss, Amber Arcades and Hannah Peel - none of whom I've heard of but I'm tempted to check out.  I'm also going to make an effort to check out more of Emma's stuff because I liked this album a lot.

21.08.10 : (What's The Story) Morning Glory - Oasis (1995)

An album I loved at the time, but have definitely fallen out of love with over the years - the high points are high, but the rest is just barely adequate noise.  And yes, I've met it before.  And my channel comment agrees with me (this doesn't always happen!)

One I don't love as much as I used to but the high points are still high

The channel gave this one ok-hand, one heart and a couple of neutral comments - I'd have expected a bit more nostalgic love for it tbh, so maybe others feel like me.  Or were just asleep.

Twenty years ago, this would have been an easy win for Oasis - not least because the other two albums hadn't been released yet!  But times, people and tastes change and I think I'd probably pick the other two above it now.  I think Emma nudges ahead in terms of my musical preference, but The Band CAMINO also have points deducted for their annoying mixed use of case, so Ms Pollock definitely takes the round.

21.08.03 - At last, a strong round for the ladies
21.08.11 - Some olllld albums


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