Hiding places lonely as she does

Continuing my trip forward in time through the album charts

06/05/22 : Ribbon Around The Bomb - Blossoms

I'm always unsure whether I like Blossoms or not, but I knew I'd visited them before, so I went to check out my thoughts.  And after starting with how I was unsure whether I liked them or not, it turns out I did quite like them, so I was looking forward to this.

And well, hmmm - it was a bit of an odd one.  It had all the required ingredients and it reminded me of stuff I liked (Doves, in particular) so it felt like I should like it - but it just didn't click for me.  It just all felt a bit twee and underpowered - some nice enough noises, but I felt they needed more work to get me engaged.  Part of me is tempted to give it another go to see whether it was just the mood I was in, but that's not feeling all that likely I'm afraid.  Sorry, Blossoms dudes.  I like the style of the album cover though, even if I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to be saying to me.

We're straight in at #1 this week (I was slightly surprised to see this is their third #1 album) - I don't think it'll be hanging around for long, but lets see.  Other new entries in the top ten are Future (#2 - I wouldn't like this), Rammstein (#3 - ditto), Thunder (#5 - probably ditto) and Bloc Party (#7 - I'm intrigued as to what this sounds like).

Wikipedia doesn't have a lot on the album other than noting that the critics liked it - Rolling Stone called it "introspective" which I can certainly go with.  "Customers also listened to" POLICE CAR COLLECTIVE, Sundara Karma and Apre - all of whom I can not only tell you nothing about, but I've never even heard of them.  When it comes to Blossoms though, I'll be sticking to watching them doing Smiths covers with Rick Astley on Youtube - check them out, they're great!

22/04/22 - Just not for me
13/05/22 - Yeah, I liked this


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