She'll be the first, she'll be the last

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

21.03.22 : Silent Alarm : Bloc Party (2005)

Another album I own and think I like, but I have a sneaking suspicion I always listen to the first two tracks and then swap it for something else because the third track isn't as good as "Helicopter" (and it's quite some track to have to follow).  But, I made it to the end this time (well done me!) and whilst the rest of the album does suffer in comparison with "Helicopter", it still works pretty well for me.  Maybe some people would want a bit more variety, but I'm happy enough with its jangly guitars and rattling drumbeats - although I remember that a big part of their appeal back in the day was the charisma exuded by Kele Okereke (the lead singer) and I'd have to say that doesn't overly come across on the album.
The channel gave this six raised hands, eight thumbs up, two hearts, a lot of fond reminiscing and some disappointment as to how it all went a bit wrong when the drummer left.  Wikipedia has a huge amount on the album (220 milliPeppers) most of which basically says "people liked it".  The critics were very impressed and it got to #3 in the UK, although I was surprised it only reached #114 in the US - it feels like quite a US friendly sound, but maybe it wasn't aggressively marketed elsewhere (it sold over a million globally, with approximately half of the sales being in the UK).
"Customers also listened to" Interpol, The Stills (I've not listened to that album in AGES!), The Libertines and The Strokes - varying levels of appreciation on my part for that lot.  But I like this album - as previously mentioned, I believe they suffer a dip in quality on later albums but I've no experienced it and am unlikely to ever do so because I'll stick with this one.
21.03.22 : The Stone Roses : The Stone Roses (1989)

A short 3 working day gap between previously reviewed albums this time and this is also one I've owned and liked pretty much since release (although I was fashionably late to The Roses).
The channel gave this eleven lemons (fine use of that emoji), seven thumbs up, some positive comments and one "how have I never listened to this before?" comment, which was a surprise to see - how indeed for one so venerable, Mr Mulhearn?
21.03.22 : Run, Sodomy & The Lash : The Pogues (1985)

I like The Pogues, but don't think I've ever listened to any of their albums except for the "best of", so I'm expecting to like certain tracks of this a lot and the rest to be acceptable first listens, but I don't enjoy them so much because of their unfamiliarity.  But actually, "The Sick Bed of Cúchulainn" (the first track) was new to me and I really liked it and whilst I knew "A Pair Of Brown Eyes", I've never been a massive fan of it - so I was, what's the word I'm looking for, ah yes - wrong.  Having said that "Sally MacLennane" is one of my favourite Pogues tracks, so that was always going to come out on top for me.  It's a fine album generally though - I liked it a lot and there's more variation there than I was expecting.
The channel gave this three green hearts (again, fine emoji use), five thumbs up, a lot of positive comments and a great "Shane was THIS drunk when I saw them" story.  Although I would have been more impressed with a "Shane was THIS sober when I saw them" story (but it wouldn't have been true though).  Wikipedia basically says that the critics liked it without viewing it as anything particularly original - it got to #13 in the UK, so did OK, I guess.  It also tells me the title comes from a Churchill quote about the navy, which entertained me somewhat - but most importantly I learned that "Sally MacLennane" is a type of stout.  I'd assumed it was some kind of drink, but if pushed I'd have guessed it was a whiskey (with an "e" obviously).
"Customers also listened to" The Dubliners and The Chieftains - no surprises there.  I enjoyed this though - one to listen to when I want I'm in the mood for something other than their "best of" (although I'll obviously miss "The Irish Rover" and "Thousands Are Sailing").
Well, that was a strong selection of albums, wasn't it?  Any one of these would waltz off with many of the other rounds - but there can only be one winner, except for when I can't make my mind up and declare a tie, of course.  However a three way tie would be pushing it somewhat so I think it has to go to The Stone Roses because that album takes me back to a particularly good time in my life - but the other guys can consider themselves unlucky with the timing.
21.03.17 - A somewhat male round
21.03.25 - An interesting mix across the years


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