I could measure her circumference just by her sound

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

21.03.12 : TRON : Legacy - Daft Punk (2010)

And with this, Daft Punk become the first band to feature on the list three times - I'd have to say they wouldn't have been the obvious choice for me as the first people to make it to such lofty heights (at time of writing, only one other band has made it there - stick around to find out who!).  And, once again, it's a Daft Punk album I've never heard - I'm expecting it to be impressive but pointless, because that's pretty much what I always think of film soundtrack albums.  And yes, that's very much where we are - it paints a sonic landscape which is exactly what I'd suspect the film needs - but since I've never seen it, I am unable to confirm or deny this.  But I find myself very quickly not caring and the album feels like it goes on for considerably longer than the 61 minutes it says it does.
The channel gave this nine thumbs up, two nice, three nice swans (obviously!) and a lot of positive comments on both this and film soundtracks in general (so it appears I'm wrong - AGAIN!).  Wikipedia has a sizeable entry for the album (149 milliPeppers), most of which can safely be ignored but one of the critics makes a very valid point about how the release strategy was really ripping off the completists.  In order to listen to all the music initially, you had to track down the special edition with the bonus disc, the ITunes bonus tracks, the Amazon bonus track and the Nokia music store bonus tracks (although a complete edition was released 10 years later).  The album only got to #36 in the UK but somehow made it to #4 in the US (and #1 in the soundtrack album chart, which seems a pretty niche chart to me!)
"Customers also listened to" a random selection of people I've never heard of - some of which were definitely soundtracks and the others might have been, but I won't be listening to them to check them out.  Soundtracks are a bit of a cultural blind spot for me and I can't say this album has gone any way to changing my mind.
21.03.15 : Bicep - Bicep (2017)

Never heard or artist of album - and that name's not giving me any clues either.  But I quite liked it - although I'm not at all sure how I'd describe it - dance music you wouldn't dance to?  And Wikipedia settles for "electronic", so they were no help at all.  In places it reminded me of Ladytron, but (mostly) without the vocals.
The channel gave this eight fires, one musical score and a couple of positive comments.  Wikipedia doesn't have a lot on the album but notes that it was well received critically and commercially, getting to #20 in the UK (which seems pretty decent for a debut album).
"Customers also listened to" a load of people I've never heard of, but maybe I should check them out because I liked this.  Which you wouldn't necessarily guess from the pathetically small amount I've written about it, would you?
21.03.16 : Time Spent In Between - Joe Kaplow (2019)

Never heard of the album or artist - but I was totally expecting my "singer/songwriter or guitar maestro" rule of thumb to hold true here and give us a singer/songwriter - Joe is too dull a name for a guitar maestro (and yes, Joe Bonnamassa and Joe Satriani will obviously disagree with me but at least they've got exotic surnames to work with).  And yup - he's very singer/songwriter with some decent enough guitar playing thrown in (but not maestro levels).  It's all very Dylanesque - some of it being annoying Dylan and some being unannoying Dylan.  I think he just about gets away with it, but only just - although I did like "Allison" and "Cathartic Rambling" (with great lyrics in the latter).
The channel gave this one eyes, two thumbs up, three chilled, one heart, a couple of positive comments and 28 (TWENTY EIGHT?!?) new joiners.  I think it was something to do with the upcoming one year anniversary of the channel and the creation of a Spotify playlist of all the albums so far - nearly 3000 tracks spanning 214 hours.  Wikipedia has nothing on the album or artist, but his Facebook page (snappily headed "they're my second favorite band") tells me he's based out of California and has been putting music out for over 20 years now.
"Customers also listened to" a load of guys who look like they'll make very similar music to Joe and, somewhat bizarrely, Martha Modl sings Wagner - which certainly has me intrigued as to how that got there.  I liked this in parts, but some of it was just too Dylanesque for me I'm afraid.
So, the clear winner is the album I could think of nothing to say about other than "I liked it" - I guess there are worse things I could say though, so well done Bicep.  They're not too hot on the old lyrics though, so Joe gets the entry title
21.03.09 - An unexpected winner
21.03.17 - A somewhat male round


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