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Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

21.04.19 : Lost Horizons : Lemon Jelly (2002)

An album I own - and I'm more than happy to say I love it.  "Nice Weather For Ducks" has an amusing element to it, but "Elements" and "Ramblin' Man" are really fine tracks indeed.
John you've been on the go ever since you were born
And I imagine few people in the world today have travelled as much as you have
Now why?
So if you've not listened to it people - then just do so.  OK?!?  And yes, I'm well aware this is the sort of album I'd discard as too same-y in a lot of cases, but I guess it just got in there at the right time for me.  It's hard to imagine it's 19 years old though - where has that time gone?  It also has a cool album cover - but much cooler in the flesh (OK OK, cardboard - flesh would be too weird now)
The channel gave this eleven hearts, one cool cat and quite a few comments along the lines of "Why have I only ever listened to NWFD?".  Wikipedia has quite a lot on the album including a breakdown on each track, including the following nugget on "Ramblin' Man" - "When listed in the order in which the locations are narrated, the message "Bagpuss Sees All Things" is spelled out midway through the song using the first letter of each location".  Admit it, you didn't know that now, did you?  The album was generally well regarded by the critics, although some found it all a bit too mellow (except for "Experiment No. 6", obviously).  It did well enough commercially as well - #20 in the UK, which I'd suspect is waaaay better than they were expecting.
"Customers also listened to" Mr Scruff, Bent, David Holmes and Boards Of Canada - all people I have a lot of time for, at least for their better tracks.  But Lemon Jelly are up there will the best of them for me, and whilst is also good, I think this is their finest album.
21.04.20 : For You : Tatsuro Yamashita (1982)

Another one I know nothing about - and things very nearly stayed that way, I can tell you. The nominator provided the album as a Youtube link which has since been taken down, so this entry initially went up with even less useful information than usual (and yes, I know this is a low bar to somehow get under).  But the nominator was so grief-stricken to not have an opinion from me that he spent the 2 minutes on Google that I couldn't be bothered to do and provided me with a further link, so I am now an acknowledged expert on this album (having listened to it once).  
And well, it's an odd one and no mistake - it's a very "clean" sound which doesn't particularly evoke a Japanese feeling for me (although you can probably guess how much I actually know about Japanese music).  The kinda vibe I had was "70s US cabaret piano player transported to a futuristic space bar - probably with a backing band of aliens" - hope this helps.  I didn't hate it, but I can't say I'll be rushing back to it either.
The channel gave this no emojis (which is unusual) but a lot of positive comments for it.  Wikipedia has nothing on the album, but loads on the man - but 90% of it is his discography which is absolutely massive.  I also have a suspicion it might have been produced by someone whose first language might not have been English and here is exhibit A to support this contention - "he himself hates being generally accepted as a summer tradition, and even after its popularity has been established, he continues to send good pop songs to Japanese hit charts regardless of the season".
"Customers also listened to" - I've obviously got absolutely no idea since it's not on Amazon.  I suspect they listen to something equally strange though - I admired rather than enjoyed this.  So, thanks Tatty (as I'm sure he likes to be known) and I hope you continue to send good pop songs to Japanese hit charts, but maybe you should sort out some way for others to listen to your stuff as well.
21.04.21 : Robot Hive / Exodus : Clutch (2005)

Our second visit with Clutch - last time I found it a more bearable experience than I was expecting (high praise indeed).  And I think we're there again - it's not really my sort of thing, but I didn't mind it at all.  Quite a bit of it reminded me of RHCP, but blues-ier - it's all defintely very well put together.  And there are some excellent track titles on there as well.
The channel gave this two strongs, three guitars, nine horns and two thumbs up - but no comments.  Wikipedia doesn't have much on the album - all the feel I need to tell you is that apparently it got to #94 in the US (but this needs verifying, which of course I didn't bother doing).  I was hoping for something that explained the album name, but no such information was forthcoming - so I remain intrigued.
"Customers also listened to" The Company Band, Orange Goblin and Mississippi Bones - all fine names, but I can't tell you the slightest thing about them.  But it appears I don't mind Clutch, although I don't have the slightest idea what I'm supposed to do with them.
So I can't give the round to Tatsuro and whilst Clutch was more enjoyable than I was expecting, I'm unsurprisingly going to go with the album I already know and love.  Well done, LJ.
21.04.14 - What?  Some women?!?
21.04.22 - TWO albums with female vocalists?!?


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