To a Mongol, horses represent not only wealth and status

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

20.12.01 : Transfusion - Apes, Pigs And Spacemen (1995)

No idea what to expect from this at all - it's certainly an interesting artist name.  And hmmm - it's a bit cliche "rawk" for my liking - I'm almost expecting a miniature Stonehenge to be lowered in whilst listening to the album.  It's not really my thing - I'm sure it's done well enough, but just doesn't push my buttons.  It's also a very odd album cover.
The channel gave this two thumbs up and no comments, which surprised me somewhat because I was expecting a story about seeing them live and loving the mini Stonehenge.  Wikipedia doesn't have anything on the album - the band get a passing mention and apparently they're still going, although i get the impression it's more of a hobby than paying its way.
"Customers also listened to" - unfortunately I'm unable to tell you because it's not available on my streaming provider of choice but I can assure I'd never have heard of them anyway.  I think we'll leave this as just "not for me".
20.12.02 : Hydroponic Garden - Carbon Based Lifeforms (2003)

Another one I know nothing about, but if this isn't some kind of ambient/chill/trance-y kinda thing, I'm going to be extremely surprised.  I guess it could also be prog, but I'm sticking with my original guess.  And yes, to no-one's surprise, it's pretty damn ambient (or psybient apparently, according to Wikipedia).  And it's pretty good ambient too - it's not something I'm always in the mood for, but if I remember next time I'm in the mood, I'd be happy to go back to this.  Although I'm not sure I needed all of the 82 minutes of it though.
The channel gave this seven thumbs up and declared this good for either doing work to or making bath-time spa time, which I'm not sure was a mental image I required from the channel.  Wikipedia has an extensive entry on the album - "Hydroponic Garden is the first studio album by Swedish ambient duo Carbon Based Lifeforms, released in 2003".  And that's it!
"Customers also listened to" Solar Fields, Man Of No Ego and HUVA Network - I've never heard of them, but I'd pretty much guess they're providers of music of the ambient variety as well.  But this was a high quality example of such - I enjoyed it.
20.11.03 : DIY - Dousk (2005)

And completing the hat-trick of ignorance, I wasn't even able to hazard a guess as to what I was going to get here (and the album cover doesn't give any clues either).  And there was 79 minutes of it as well, so I hoped I was going to like it.  And like it I very much did - it reminded me of Sasha & Digweed that I like to stick on when I'm in the mood for it.  I had to look up what genre it's considered as - "progressive house" apparently, but it's something I can very much be in the mood for and this is a fine example.
The channel gave this five thumbs up and then turned the heating up and imagined they were in Ibiza - which suggests a fervent imagination given that it was early November.  Wikipedia has nothing on the album or artist - it's not been the best round for additional information, has it?  Apparently he's Greek, but that's pretty much all I can tell you without actually having to do some thinking and/or work - and that's not very likely now, is it?
"Customers also listened to" Souls In Motion, Rocket Empire and Sonic Adventure Project - all of whom I'd be tempted to check out if they sound like this.  Another enjoyable find.
So - three albums from different genres that I suspect are pretty good examples thereof - but A,P&S are just not my thing which leaves it as a toss up between the other two.  They're both examples of something which I could be in the mood for at any given time, but I'm giving it to Dousk for no obvious reason.  However, CBL get the lyrics on account of Dousk not having any lyrics (which seems a pretty good reason).
20.11.26 - One classic and two slight disappointments
20.12.04 - A German takeover


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