Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

20.12.04 : Sehnsucht - Rammstein (1997)

I thought I had a reasonable idea about Rammstein so was expecting some average heavy-ish rock which would blend together as it blurred past me.  But, boy was I wrong.  Imagine, if you can, Bill Bailey generating a very bad parody of German rock, but failing to make it amusing.  Well, that would still be preferable to this - I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would willingly submit themselves to this album.  Oh, and by the way (in case it's not clear) I didn't like it - I really didn't like it.
The channel gave this five thumbs up, three guitars and one this emoji - it's certainly right up the street of a certain section of the channel.  Wikipedia doesn't have an awful lot on the album, but manages to cram some nuggets of information in there - "It is the only album entirely in German to be certified platinum by the RIAA in the US" and (my favourite) "The album booklet folds out to reveal six different covers, one for each band member (each photo depicting the member with bizarre facial-wear, made out of ordinary kitchen objects like spatulas, spoons, forks etc.)".  The album did well commercially - getting to #1 in Germany and Austria (which didn't overly surprise me) and #45 in the US (which did).
"Customers also listened to", to no great surprise, a load of people I've never heard of - and have no intention of ever listening to.  Not ever, thank you very much.  Next!
20.12.07 : DJ-Kicks - Kruder & Dorfmeister (1996)

Going back to Bill, I suspect that if he was to produce a bad parody of German rock, he may well use the name Kruder & Dorfmeister to present it, so I was a bit concerned that I was in for a repeat performance.  However, I'm pleased to say that I wasn't subjected to that - although having listened to it, I was very unclear as to exactly what I was subjected to.  I'm guessing it's a remix album, but since I didn't know the originals, it was hard for me to know how remixed they were.  It sounded like they're probably remixed quite a lot and there's a level of skill involved, but they all got a bit samey for me after a time, so 72 minutes was a bit too much for me.  I was pleased to see some Herbaliser on there though - I went to school with one of the members and maintain irregular contact with him (of course it's irregular - I'm a man, after all)
The channel gave this one eyes, two booms, three thumbs up and one sunglasses - very expressive today!  And a few positive comments as well!  Wikipedia doesn't have an awful lot on the album but does tell me that the DJ-Kicks series of releases is well regarded and this is one of the most well regarded issues of the series.  It also tells me that K&D are, in fact, Austrian and hence would be a completely unsuitable as a name for a bad German rock parody - what WAS I thinking?
"Customers also listened to", again, a load of people I've never heard of - but at least I might actually listen to them.  I didn't mind this, if not quite seeing the point to it.
20.12.08 : A Whole New Wurst - Punk Rock Factory (2020)

I take it all back - Bill would obviously use the name A Whole New Wurst, wouldn't he - all in all, this round has a surprisingly unexpected Germanic theme, hasn't it? I had absolutely no idea what I was going to get from this - but never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined what was actually served up.  Punk (the US definition of punk anyway) versions of Disney classics, anyone?  They're actually pretty well done (I particularly liked "You're Welcome"), but there's no danger of me needing a whole album of them - one or two as a novelty maybe, but 13?  No.  At least it only last 33 minutes though.  
The channel gave this one guitar and some amusing comments - "Well there you have it, our album of the day" and "classic PunkDisney mashup".  Wikipedia has absolutely nothing to say on the album or the artist - I felt a bit sorry for them so did a bit more of a search and can tell you they come from South Wales, don't take themselves too seriously ("four idiots making DIY punk covers") and have a new album out based around TV theme tunes, which I can imagine is similarly amusing in places if not exactly essential listening.
"Customers also listened to" a load of punk cover albums which I'm sure would make Sid Vicious turn in his grave.  I thought this was well done, but ultimately pointless - which sounds very snobbish, doesn't it?  Well, that's me, I'm afraid :-)
Well, that was an "interesting" round wasn't it?  I think it has to go to K&D because it's the only album there's any danger of me ever listening to again - but it would come a distant third in many of the other rounds I've had, so the lyrics go to Disney.
20.12.01 - Some nice finds
20.12.09 - A closer contest than I was expecting


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