My scanty life philosophy (as you suspected all along) is actually based on lines from songs

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

20.11.10 : The Moths Are Real - Serafina Steer (2013)

Never heard of her, but I was mostly intrigued to know if it was her real name (and there's no indication out there that it isn't).  As for the music, I had no expectations going in - but this was really right up my street.  I appreciate that others will consider it to be a load of pointless whimsy, but for me it had the right amount of quirk both musically and lyrically and I liked her voice and songs.  "Machine Room" was probably my favourite, but I enjoyed most of them and was pleased to be introduced to her.  She reminded me of Emmy The Great, who I happen to think is - well, I guess "great" would be an appropriate word.
The channel gave this three thumbs up and one positive comment.  Wikipedia has a whole four sentences on the album, but it tells us that Jarvis Cocker produced the album and she's now playing as part of his group - in my opinion there are far worse people she could be hanging out with.
"Customers also listened to" Tenor Fly & The Freestylers, V. Dakshinamoorthy and The Mr T Experience - all artists with fine names who I can tell you nothing about, but I'm guessing there might be a bit of quirk involved.  But this was a very pleasantly quirky experience indeed - I was quite happy to be introduced to it.
20.11.11 : Royal Blood - Royal Blood (2014)

I remember this coming out and think I dipped into it but decided it was a bit too noisy for my delicate ears, so never went back to it.  But, actually, having been made to listen to it in full, I didn't mind it at all - it's got a good T Rex sound to it and there's plenty of skill on display.  I particularly liked "Figure It Out" and "Ten Tonne Skeleton", but overall it was considerably more enjoyable than I was expecting.  And, at 32 minutes long, I found myself thinking "I could have probably managed another whole ten minutes or so of that"!  And I like the album cover as well - it's all going their way today, isn't it?
The channel gave this five thumbs up, four ok hands and four this emojis - very chatty in response.  Wikipedia has a surprising amount on the album (116 milliPeppers), mostly declaring them to be the saviours of rock - although as one critic put it "but who is going to stand in their way?".  It did very well commercially - debuting at #1 in the UK charts and reaching the dizzy heights of #17 in the US.  Wikipedia also mentions that it was recorded without overdubbing, which I believe is a bit of a rarity these days.
"Customers also listened to" QOTSA, Wolfmother and The Black Keys - all of whom I've listened to but I liked Royal Blood much more than any of them.
20.11.12 : Knowing What You Know Now - Marmozets (2018)

I've never knowingly heard any Marmozets stuff, but they came up on the "customers also listened to" for Frank Carter - so my suspicion was it could go either way!  And it's definitely got a high noise quotient, but I find the presence of female vocalists really makes these things more bearable - I didn't mind this at all.  It managed to sound both quite retro and modern at the same time which is an admirable thing in my book.
The channel gave this four thumbs up, two ok hands and two horn emojis - it's got very expressive all of a sudden.  And there's a positive comment thrown in there as well!  Wikipedia goes into some depth as to how much the critics loved it - I liked the comment about their "unique brand of controlled chaos", but was particularly pleased to read that NME thought "Much of the surprisingly retro sound undoubtedly comes from Norton's production techniques, but at no point does it sound dated" - it's almost as if I know what I'm talking about at times!  Wikipedia also tells me that the band consists of five people from two sets of siblings, two of whom are also a couple - I can only begin to imagine the levels of rivalry involved!
"Customers also listened to" Frank Carter, Turbowolf and Pulled Apart By Horses - all of which I'm beginning to view in a potentially more positive light as a result of Frank's effort and this one.  I particularly liked this one - another fine introduction.
After the last round not being particularly brilliant for me, this was the perfect antidote - three albums I either knew nothing about or suspected I didn't/wouldn't like, but I enjoyed them all.  Tricky to pick a winner because they're all so different, so I won't - congratulations to everyone.  Serafina gets the lyric though - it jumped out at me because if I had a life philosophy it would indeed be very scanty and in all probability based on lines from songs.
20.11.05 - Not the best round for me
20.11.13 - Three from the mid 2010's


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