He’s eight foot tall with a fibreglass heart
Continuing my trip forward in time through the album charts 27/09/24 : Gary - Blossoms Somewhat surprisingly, this is our FOURTH visit with Blossoms and it's all been a pretty peculiar mix - last time I described it as "indie-folk-disco" (whatever that is!). So who knows quite what we're going to get here! Well, it's certainly not indie-folk-disco! On face value, it's pretty standard indie fare but the songs also have a definite 70s/80s retro vibe to them. I was trying to decide who they reminded me of and it took me most of the album, but I got there in the end - it was New Order, but the songs aren't as repetitive as you might expect from that reference. I quite enjoyed it, but it feels it would need several more listens to really get into - I'd certainly say it's worth checking out. I can't decide if I like the album cover or not though... We're at #1 with a new entry this week (their fourth #1 album) and the rest of the top five are ...