Can you pass me the wasabi peas?

Continuing my trip down The Guardian's Top 50 TV Shows of 2021.  

#6 : Feel Good

Mae Martin’s exquisite romcom returned, this time fuelled not by love but by trauma, as Mae returned to Canada to confront her past and her gender identity. Though that makes it sound heavy, Feel Good is so glorious that it not only managed to make it work, but also outdo its first run.

Never heard of it - it feels like it might be "a bit too Guardian" for me, but let's give it a go anyway, shall we?

Hmmm - well.  Well, it's got Charlotte Ritchie in it, so that's a good thing in my books - and there's a load of other people you'll recognise in it (ah yes - he was Barry Kripke!  And HE was Mr Wickham!).  And it's well written, obviously intelligent and well shot.  And can you guess what's coming next?  But...'s all a bit meta (a comedy show about being non-binary and having addiction issues starring a non-binary comedian with addiction issues - oh, and she does stand up in it as well), a bit too self-deprecatingly British at times and errr - not very funny?  It would be easy for me to say "meh - millenials", but it does feel like it's not trying to exist for my benefit (although some of the references were surprisingly dated, even for me - Bob Dylan?  Really?).  Also, at times it feels like it's millenials laughing at millenials and I don't know whether I'm allowed to laugh as well.  Which kinda hurts my head a bit.

I did laugh at one joke though - "When's your birthday?" "October 31st" "Oh - that's spooky".

I did a couple of episodes but overall, I think it's best we just nod politely at each other and be on our way.  If you think you might like it then it's waiting on Netflix for you - tell it I said "Hi".

#5 - the mega-smash hit I totally avoided
#7 - impressive, but hard-going drama


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