This list is obsessed with phones


The last selection really did help me to improve my life without really trying, so I'm back to not making an effort

71 Switch your phone off on holiday (or at least delete your work email app).
I can see the logic here.  However, I quite like to keep on top of my work emails when I'm on holiday, for two reasons.  Firstly, if an emergency breaks out and I'm the only person that knows the relevant information (which I agree is somewhat unlikely at the minute, but it has happened in the past) then they're going to call me anyway.  And secondly, when you get back to work you can spend the first day doing nothing whilst claiming you're working your way through your emails.  I'm not just a pretty face you know...

72 Always use freshly ground pepper.
I follow the slightly more sensible suggestion of "always use freshly ground pepper - where pepper is appropriate".  Using freshly ground pepper for EVERYTHING would not end well.  Random aside - the pepper mill pictured below costs £150!

73 Thank a teacher who changed your life.
It would probably be tricky for me to track them down now, but I think Mr Meigh, Mr Jones and Mr Edwards would probably get my vote for treating me like a grown up.  Even though, as is now abundantly clear to me with hindsight, I was nowhere near being a grown up at the time.  And I'm still not, some might suggest.  But thank you to them all for their kind efforts in trying to get me there.

74 Respect your youngers.
I totally go with this - sometimes they need to be treated as kids, but they still need to be done so with respect and consistency.  Otherwise how can you expect them to do the same to you?

75 Keep your keys in the same place.
We mostly do this - and when we forget to return them to the correct place, much searching of bags, pockets, etc is required.  And blame as well - don't forget the blame!

76 Ditch the plastic cartons and find a milkman
Apparently, The Modern Milkman has a comprehensive list.  But it wouldn't improve my life, I'm afraid - the milk consumption in our house is too inconsistent to rely on a milkman, so it would result in early morning trips out to buy emergency milk.  Which would not be fun.

77 Rent rather than buy a suit/dress for that forthcoming wedding (even if it’s your own).
I did this for my wedding to match with my dad and best man (and because I'd never have worn something like that again).  But I have a wedding (and funeral) suit for all other occasions - and I think my life is improved by knowing it's in my wardrobe rather than having to go out and hire it.  So this is a no from me.

78 Always book an extra day off after a holiday.
Hmmm - you have to go back sometime, people!  I think I'd book the Friday off if I was due to go back then, but there's no chance of me booking off the Monday - I'd rather save the day for a random Friday and just do whatever I fancied then rather than spending the day thinking "oh no - back to work tomorrow!"

79 Ignore the algorithm – listen to music outside your usual taste.
I have been doing this a lot recently through various lists and the album-of-the-day channel at work and I consider my life to be much improved as a result (I really didn't like the best of Aerosmith yesterday though).

80 Mute or leave a WhatsApp group chat.
Well, this is all going to depend on the group chat in question, isn't it?  I'd hope that if you're in a group chat that is annoying you either with the content or frequency of its messages then you have the sense to leave it and you don't need this list to tell you to do so.  However, if you don't have that sense, then yeah - leave that group!

Nothing standing out for me here - most of these I either do or I disagree with them.  Let's call out respecting your youngers though - it might not make a great difference to your life, but it will to theirs (not that they'll thank you for it, obviously!)

61-70 : Variable advice, to say the least
81-90 : I'm really not sure I should be killing puppies


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