There ain't no gold in this river
Continuing my visit to the top of the album charts with another little-known artist who desperately needs the exposure.
07/01/22 : 30 - Adele
Adele, you say? Is she someone new?!?
Ah no - THAT Adele. Like Ed, she's someone who manages to appeal to both my wife and my daughters - I am somewhat less enamoured but can admit there is a lot of skill involved (and I must admit that I didn't mind 21 at all, with the high points being particularly high). I can't say I was particularly fussed on 25 though and so just haven't bothered listening to this (unlike half the country, it appears). I'm expecting some expertly sung, but slightly dull songs - so, let's take a listen, shall we?
Well - I'd actually say it's not nearly as dull as I was expecting. But not necessarily in a good way - a lot of it is a bit weird. The opening track feels like it came out of a 1940s black and white film of the type they used to show on BBC2 on a Saturday afternoon (probably starring Deanna Durbin). And the spoken bits on "My Little Love" are just cringe-worthy. And there's weird reverb on "Cry Your Heart Out". None of it is horrible, but I wouldn't say I particularly enjoyed it either- it feels very "ooh - poor me" in places and it's definitely lacking a "Set Fire To The Rain" or "Someone Like You" classic track. I certainly didn't need an hour of it either - maybe if I gave it a few more listens then I'd get into it, but I just can't see me bothering. I can imagine she'll put a good live spin on them when she takes then to Vegas and elsewhere - but I suspect I couldn't afford the tickets even if I wanted to go.
This album was actually #2 in the week in question (Ed was still #1) but it had had a run of 5 weeks at the top after its release and it hasn't been lower than #3 yet. However, I suspect once it starts dropping down it ain't gonna hang around as long as her previous offerings - let's wait and see how right I am with that notion!
Wikipedia has a lot on the album (365 milliPeppers) a large proportion of which tells me that the critics disagree with me and that this is her best album. Oh well, we can agree to disagree - I concur with them it's her most varied work but I just don't particularly like the variety. It also hasn't done that well commercially - well, in South Korea anyway where it only got to #68. Elsewhere it's done OK I guess - it was the best selling album of last year in the UK and it was only released in mid-November!
"Customers also listened to" Ed Sheeran, Silk Sonic, Imagine Dragons, Billie Eilish and Lil Nas X - which seems a slightly odd mix. This album just didn't click for me I'm afraid - I can see that if you're feeling a bit "woe is me" (possibly as a result of divorce) then it might click with you, but otherwise I don't really see why you'd bother. There are plenty of other female singers doing more interesting stuff for me, so I'll stick with them - I suspect Adele can cope without my attention.
31/12/21 - A little known artist
14/01/22 - I quite liked this!
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