How exactly do you resole trainers, grandad?!?

The last selection didn't do much to improve my life without really trying, so maybe it's time to start making an effort...

31 Ask questions, and listen to the answers.
Fine advice in this day and age for everyone.  I'd also add "Listen (or more likely, read) when people ask questions, and provide answers - but only if you are able to do so".

32 Connect with nature: stand outside barefoot for a few minutes – even when it’s cold.
It's a yes to the first statement to me, but quite why you need to give yourself frostbite in order to connect with nature is beyond me.  I'll settle for "put on appropriate clothing, go outside and look at the plants and birds".

33 Join your local library – and use it. Find yours here.
I agreed with this in principle, except for the fact that our house has piles of books lying all around it that have still to be read (I suspect I have books from 30 years ago which are yet to be opened).  And yes, I know there are plenty of other things in libraries as well - but I don't exactly need them either.  However, libraries are good, people - use them or lose them.

34 Go for a walk without your phone.
Lists like these are obsessed with doing things "without your phone".  However, there are plenty of aspects to walks which can be vastly improved by having your phone - taking pictures, finding out exactly how lost you are, paying for that coffee you fancy when you've forgotten your wallet or texting someone to see if they need anything from the shops.  So maybe go for that walk and take your phone without feeling the slightest guilt as to what some list tells you - but don't spend all your time on it.

35 Eat salted butter (life’s too short for unsalted).
I'm guessing that most people who eat unsalted butter do so either because they prefer it or because their doctor has told them that salted butter is going to make their life too short, so maybe we should be a little less judge-y on people's butter choices here, Mr Guardian?!?  How about "spread whatever you want on your bread or toast and don't listen to others telling you to feel bad about it"?

36 Stretch in the morning. And maybe in the evening.
Now, I do stretch in the morning.  But I don't "stretch".  Maybe I should.  And in the evening as well.  Maybe.  But I won't.

37 If you’re going less than a mile, walk or cycle.
Apparently, about half of car journeys are under two miles, yet these create more pollution than longer journeys as the engine isn’t warmed up yet.  I'd also say it's going to be far better for you physically to walk or cycle it and you can afford to take the time out from your busy day, can't you?

38 Sleep with your phone in a different room (and buy an alarm clock).
My mum does this and swears by it.  My daughters also do this, but think we're mean for making them do so (but the floods of tears at 11pm because of some social media based spite weren't anyone's best moment).  I can't say I feel the need personally, but it can't hurt to give it a go if you think it will help you.

39 Send postcards from your holidays. Send them even if you’re not on holiday.
I fully applaud this sentiment, whilst realising it's not going to happen.  I like to buy quirky postcards which I should send to people but instead they sit in a drawer somewhere.  That's a decent half-way house, right?

40 Instead of buying new shoes, get old ones resoled and buy new laces.
Hmm - not sure this advice works for too much of my shoe collection.  Let's change it to "if possible, mend things rather than throwing them away", but that's all too often just not possible these days.  But if it is possible, then do it - OK?

Not a bad selection at all this time - let's all connect with nature by going for a walk to the library whilst wearing appropriate clothing which has been mended where possible.  And let's not be too critical of other people's food and phone choices whilst we're doing so.

21-30 : Let's have a close look at that cup of tea
41-50 : Let's all go shopping


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