Go on, go on, go on, go on...

I don't know about you, but my life has been on the up since I starting trying to improve my life without really trying, so I'm going to keep on not really trying...

21 Add the milk at least one minute after the tea has brewed.
If anyone in the house drank tea, then this might improve our lives.  But making tea just to have the opportunity to wait a minute and then add some milk feels a little pointless...

22 Laugh shamelessly at your own jokes.
I think my family will back me up when I say there is no way in which I can improve my life any further in this area.

23 It might sound obvious, but a pint of water before bed after a big night avoids a clanger of a hanger.
A clanger of a hanger - was this written by a five year old?!?  And yes, this advice sounds obvious for the simple reason that it is obvious.  I should also point out that hangovers (or hangers, as one person likes to call them) can also be avoided by not drinking, but that's not going to happen either (although I'm trying in January, honest!)

24 Start a Saturday morning with some classical music – it sets the tone for a calm weekend.
I guess this all depends on whether you consider a calm weekend as something that will improve your life.  Which probably depends a lot on how old you are.  Which will have a strong bearing on how likely you are to listen to classical music.  So the advice is probably really "if you like classical music, then listen to classical music" - which is fine, I guess but hardly earth-shattering.

25 Look closely.
I'm not entirely sure what this means, but I can get with the general vibe.  I'd also add "look up" - there's a lot of stuff up there that you wouldn't normally notice.  I also like to take photos of things that just look nice - it's pleasing to spend a bit of time picking the best angle and making it look just right.

26 Set time limits for your apps. 
Meh.  There's no "right" time limit for this, so it's useless advice imho.  If an app is taking over your life, then stop being so silly - otherwise you're fine.

27 If possible, take the stairs.
Yeah, nothing wrong with this advice.  Particularly if you have a job which involves sitting down all day, like I do - lumberjacking having just been taken when I got to the job centre.

28 Always be willing to miss the next train.
I can go with this and would add a corollary - "if you're at the station, just take the next train".  Some people like to work out that if they wait for the third train, it will get them in 37 seconds earlier - to which I say "Have you never caught a train in this country?  It's not Japan you know!  Just get on the damn thing if it's there".

29 Eat meat once a week, max. Ideally less.
Would this really improve my life?  I can see that if everyone did it, then it could improve the planet in general but just me doing it feels like it's not going to have any overall impact and would probably make me like vegetables less (which is a bit of a stretch, but I think we've still got some wiggle room there).

30 Be polite to rude strangers – it’s oddly thrilling.
This feels like something I'd enjoy, but I'd probably fail at.  I'd also say that working from home has greatly reduced my exposure to rude strangers - here's hoping I'll get more opportunities to give this a go this year, eh?

Hmmm - not such a great bunch.  I will make an effort to go for being polite to rude strangers, but think I'll fail - so let's go for looking closely, even though I'm not sure exactly what it means.  Set time limits for your apps is the worst one, although I'm only not picking eating meat once a week because I think it sounds virtuous, rather than there being the slightest chance of me doing it.

11-20 : Improving your life - one knife at a time
31-40 : Why the obsession with leaving your phone behind?


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