Work it, make it, do it

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

21.02.19 : Dance Of Death - Iron Maiden (2003)

Yes, I've heard of Iron Maiden - never been a huge fan, but had a sneaking suspicion I'd quite like this in comparison with some of the other stuff I've been subjected to on this list.  And I'd be lying if there wasn't a grain of truth in this - it's pretty same-y to my uncultured ear, but it's certainly all perfectly listenable and pretty well executed.  I wouldn't search it out, but there might be times that it would not be unbearable (high praise indeed, eh?).  I would say I didn't need 67 minutes of it though...
The channel gave this five horns, three rocks, one nice, some positive comments and one new joiner.  Wikipedia has a surprising amount on the album (123 milliPeppers) and tells me this was their thirteenth album (they've only managed four since) and that it was recorded on tape, which must have been a bit of a rarity already back then.  Other nuggets of information are that "Journeyman" was their first fully acoustic number and the artist who did the album cover artwork asked for his name to be removed from the credits because the band decided to use an unfinished version.  And I'd have to say it's not my favourite album cover ever.
"Customers also listened to" a load of names I recognise and a load I don't, but I suspect I can guess what kind of music they produce.  Not really my thing, but this feels like a better example of "not really my thing" than many others in this genre have produced.
21.02.22 : Patashnik - Biosphere (1994)

I've heard of Biosphere, but couldn't tell you the faintest thing about them.  That is about to change though (a bit, at least) - I suspected they were ambientesque but this is proper old-school ambient with lots of natural sounds involved and it really reminds me of FSOL in places. The opening track is a bit unnervingly creepy though (and this isn't necessarily a bad thing).  I find this thing enjoyable for a track or two and good to stick on in the background if that's what you need, but I'd be unlikely to search it out specifically though.  I'd say 65 minutes is too long, but seeing as how I didn't really actively listen to it, this was less of an issue than it is for other albums.
The channel gave this four thumbs up and one positive comment from someone's wife.  Wikipedia has a surprising amount on the album and tells me that, according to Mr Biosphere (Geir Jenssen) patashnik is Russian cosmonaut slang for a traveller.  However, according to anyone who is actually Russian, this just isn't true.  It also tells us that "Novelty Waves" was used in a Levis advert and brought him to more general attention, which he actively avoided despite various encouragements from his record label and his peers.
"Customers also listened to" FSOL (go me!), The Orb and Autechre - none of whom are a million miles away.  As a genre it's not something I stick on unless I need something I don't have to listen to, but again we've got a good example of the genre here.
21.02.23 : Musique, Vol 1 1993-2005 - Daft Punk (2006)

Our second visit with Daft Punk on the list - and it's yet again one of their albums I've not heard before.  At best the albums have been good in the high spots but a bit tiresome overall - I was hoping this would display a more consistent level of quality, but can't say I was holding out too much hope.  But I was wrong, because it's a "best of" - so the level of quality is consistent and consistently high.  15 tracks is possibly them being a little generous on themselves, but I'll let them off this once - I enjoyed this a lot more than any of my previous meetings with them (and this is the fourth one now).
The channel gave this six thumbs up and some discussion about how it had to be a Daft Punk day (they'd just announced they were splitting up), some further discussion about how it didn't have to be anything, some good natured ribbing that the nominator caved in to the baying mob and then A LOT of discussion about Daft Punk.  Wikipedia basically says not a lot more than that this is a "best of" album, although it does note that the video version is rated 15 due to the content of the "The Prime Time Of Your Life" video - so obviously I went to check it out.  And it's safe to say it's a very odd video indeed.
"Customers also listened to" Justice, Junior Senior and The Chemical Brothers - all very much in the same ballpark.  And for all of these sorts of acts, the "best of" is often the best way to experience them for me - although I guess "best ofs" are kinda becoming superfluous in the age of streaming because you can just create them on the fly.  This is a good highlights package though - definitely the most consistent Daft Punk offering I've experienced.
So three reasonable examples of three pretty different genres - it has to go to Daft Punk for me though because I've already relistened to this album because I enjoyed it so much.
21.02.16 - A round of complete ignorance
21.02.24 - Not a lot in common here


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