She took my mobile number - she typed a heart emoticon where my name would have gone

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

21.01.13 : Song For Alpha - Daniel Avery (2018)

No idea about the album or artist, but my rule of thumb is that guys who use their real name are either singer/songwriters or guitar maestros.  The other thing you need to know about my rule of thumb is that it's often wrong - as it is here.  I liked this - it reminded me of Jon Hopkins (who also rudely uses his real name, so just maybe the rule of thumb needs updating).  In places it becomes slightly repetitive, but that's a risk you face with this kind of thing - and thinking about it I have no idea what this kind of thing should be referred to as (and Wikipedia totally fudges the issue with "electronic music").
The channel gave this six thumbs up and a lot of positive comments, particularly around its suitability for listening to whilst working.  It did scare one person off though, so it's not to everyone's taste obviously.  Wikipedia has very little on the album except that it was very well received and featured on several "best of 2018" lists.
"Customers also listened to" a load of people I've never heard of - lots of mysterious one-word artist names.  But I liked this and will attempt to make an effort to check out some of his other stuff.
21.01.14 : The Secret Cosmic Music Of The East German Olympic Program 1972-83, Vol 3 - Kosmischer Läufer (2015)

Well, I'm pretty certain this is the longest album title we've had so far, if nothing else.  It's got a nice enough sound to it, but if I thought the last album was a bit repetitive, then this is more than a bit repetitive.  It's all very "70s Tomorrow's World theme tune" - it also very much reminded me of Daft Punk's "Giorgio By Moroder" where he says "why don't I use the synthesizer which is the sound of the future".  Because I can assure you, they've very much used the synthesizer on this album.  I was pleased it only lasted 37 minutes though - much more would have been taking the joke slightly too far (although this really is volume 3 - of 4).  I do like the album cover though.
The channel reacted with one milky way, two thumbs up and one Homer - which seems to make as much sense as expected.  There were also a couple of positive comments and an apology from the nominator!  Wikipedia is very coy on the album, merely noting that "some sources have attributed it not to Zeichnete, who they suspect to be fictional, but to the Edinburgh-based musician Drew McFadyen, using the persona of Zeichnete as an alias".  Say it ain't so!
"Customers also listened to", to my complete unsurprise, a load of people I've never heard of.  And The Orb, who I haven't listened to in far too long.  This has some nice enough sounds on it, but it could have done with a few more of them rather than it just using the same ones over and over.
21.01.15 : The Hollow Of Humdrum - Red Rum Club (2020)

The album title had me concerned we were in for another wordless album of ambient knob twiddling, but the artist name pretty much made me think we were in for some indie dudes.  And indie dudes it is - but pretty average sixth form indie for me, talking of life's deep and rich experiences whilst your mum is still making your packed lunch every day.  Not for me, I'm afraid.
The channel gave this five thumbs up and a couple of positive comments - they like their sixth form indie, obviously.  Wikipedia has nothing on the band or the artist - unfortunately their mums are too busy making their sandwiches to get that sorted out as well.
"Customers also listened to", again, a load of people I've never heard of - and on the strength of this offering I will not be seeking any of them out.
An easy win for Daniel - but, seeing as how none of his or Kosmicher Laufer's stuff has any lyrics (despite "Endnote" being marked as Explicit on Amazon - but it's 8 seconds long and features an indecipherable voice), I guess Red Rum Club have to get the lyrics.  I obviously picked the most sixth form example I could find though because I'm mean like that.
21.01.08 - Three albums with skillz
21.01.18 - Only gonna be one winner here


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