There's never been a better day

Continuing my trip up #album-of-the-day...

20.09.24 : In Our Heads - Hot Chip (2012)

I like a spot of Hot Chip - "One Life Stand" obviously being their high point, but I've listened to this album as well and seem to recall enjoying it, but I've not heard in many a long year so was pleased to revisit it.  And yeah, I enjoyed catching up with it - they always remind me of a geeky New Order, but where i find I get very bored very quickly with New Order, Hot Chip manage to keep me engaged.   "Flutes" stood out for me as the top track (despite being over 7 minutes long), but I thought it was all very listenable.  I also love the album cover.
The channel was quietly positive on this, but it spent more time talking about their video directed by Peter Serafinowicz, which is indeed definitely "something".  Wikipedia doesn't have a lot on the album other than noting that the critics loved it.  It did OK commercially - #14 in the UK, which feels a bit low to me, particularly when compared with #62 in the US, which is a decent effort for what feels like very British music.
"Customers also listened to" Simian Mobile Disco (who I'd forgotten even existed), LCD Soundsystem (not all that close imho) and Wild Beasts (who I'm vaguely aware of and always mean to check out, but never quite manage it).  But Hot Chip hit a bit of a sweet spot for me and I was very happy to revisit this.
20.09.25 : A Hero's Death - Fontaines DC (2020)

Do I not like this?  (no, I don't).
The channel gave this three thumbs up, which is approximately 4 more than I'd give it.
20.09.28 : CARE FOR ME - Saba (2018)

I thought I knew Saba was kinda chill-out music, but I was slightly concerned when the first album I noticed on Amazon was Take Care Of Me by Wretch 32 which features a smoking baby wearing a nappy and a gimp mask.  But it turns out I was totally wrong and he's one of them hippy-hoppy type - not really my thing, but it's not entirely hateful (although I was totally not convinced with him rhyming "Venusaur" with "penis sore") but his voice did start to grate towards the end of the album.  It has a confessional/therapeutic feel to it, but I must admit I didn't put the effort into the lyrics they probably deserve - it was a bit too much like hard work.  
The channel gave this 4 thumbs up, a few positive comments and our first new joiner in a bit.  Wikipedia confirms it does fit into the "album as therapy" category, dealing with the murder of his cousin.  It was very well received critically, but (unusually for Wikipedia) it doesn't mention how it did commercially.
"Customers also listened to" a load of people I've never heard of, but aso they look like hippy-hoppy types who have some things they want to get off their chest.  It's not really my thing, but it's a lot more bearable than those hippy-hoppy types who just want to eff them bees all the time.
But it won't surprise you to hear that Hot Chip walk away with the round easily.
20.09.21 - An odd mix and no mistake
20.09.29 - What?  Three albums I liked?!?


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