Forgive my laughter - I have a condition

Continuing my trip down Empire's top 100 films of the century so far...

#31 Amélie

I remember this being “charming”.  And who doesn’t like to be charmed?

#32 Avengers Assemble

I must admit that all the Avengers film somewhat blur together in my memory, but I remember enjoying this more than some of the others.  I would watch it again with my youngest if she didn’t swear that she hated all Marvel films, despite enjoying the three she’s actually watched…

#33 Wonder Woman

This got great reviews and I really wanted to really like it, but I thought it was “fine”.  Maybe I’m just part of the problem here.

#34 Zodiac

Another one I’m pleasantly surprised is so high – I really enjoyed this.  It’s also a very interesting true story – well worth a watch if you haven’t caught it yet.

#35 Arrival

Same comment applies to this film, except for the true story bit.  Really intelligent sci-fi.

#36 Lady Bird

This should be compulsory viewing for parents of teenagers.  It really captures the frustration, joy, love, (in)dependence and everything else – with superb performances to boot.

#37 Donnie Darko 

Just love this film!  Who’s not going to love a film featuring a 6 foot imaginary rabbit called Frank?

#38 The Grand Budapest Hotel

Wes Anderson.  Whimsical, mildly grating or really-bloody-annoying?  You decide. For me, this film lies towards the middle of the scale. 

Which brings us on to Joker.  I’m a big fan of the Empire podcast and generally concur with the views of Helen O’Hara and she ABSOLUTELY hates this film, so I think it’s fair to say I was approaching this with some trepidation.

But actually, I found there was a lot to admire about this film.  The performances - OK, the performance - is great, it’s well shot and the story arc is both (relatively) believable and pleasingly unclear and unsettling at times.  At times, I felt the film was trying too hard to be clever and overall - I think it was trying to say something about mental health or violence or something but I’m not entirely sure what that was.

I do find it incredible that it’s taken over a billion dollars worldwide – I can only assume that some people watched it a LOAD of times, because I think a lot of people I know would actively avoid this film on several fronts.  And yes, it’s troubling how some people have taken it as a call to arms, but if it wasn’t this film it would have been something else, I guess (because they're like that).  I also found the inclusion of Robert de Niro interesting – calling back to King of Comedy and Taxi Driver, almost daring people to make unfavourable comparisons.  And plenty of people out there have.

Did I LIKE the film?  Not in the slightest, but I enjoyed watching it, so I’m glad this activity forced me into it.  I’m also not entirely sure anyone involved in it was looking to be liked.  Or not by me, at least.


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